The Company has recently learned that a third party named ‘’明懿金汇‘’ claimed to be a “follow the lead” investment trading platform developed by Axiom Investment Management Limited, Hong Kong (the Company) and domestic securities developers in China. We hereby declare that our company has no business relationship with ‘’明懿金汇‘’ and have not developed any investment platform with any securities developers in China. Investors are advised to be aware of this.
本公司得悉最近有一名为明懿金汇的第三方,声称为香港明懿资产管理有限公司(本公司)联合中国国内证券开发商研发的股票跟单平台。 特此声明,本公司与明懿金汇没有任何业务关连,并且没有与中国任何证券开发商开发任何投资平台,请投资者明鉴。